Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Ternyata, menulis (baca:ngetik) dengan tangan bergetar itu sangat sulit..
Fiuhh... Tetapi, kalau tidak segera diautentik-kan, ide-ide bisa kabur menghilang..
Jadi, meski tekanan darah masih terlalu rendah untuk bangkit dari tempat tidur, aku tetap berusaha menuliskan beberapa deret kalimat yang muncul di otak setelah mendengar Sad Beautiful Tragic-nya Ms. Swift..

When i sing this verse of our ballad..
You should know that i've already wiped away..
All of my tears, wish, and agony..

The time when you listen to this ballad..
In the bittersweet autumn air..
It means you've become one of my sweet flashback..

I knew you've realized that we always knew..
Yes, We both knew that..
There's no another chance, or another life..
For this love to bloom..

But i also knew..
The "us" in our past were truly in love..
Yes, at that period, serendipity were meant to be..
But, insecurity had swept away the love within me..

Never tell your son as if we were tragedy..
Be thankful, coz you were in love with me..
And you knew that i was in love, too..
Don't tell her as if you never knew me..
Be grateful, coz we were together once upon a winter-freeze..
Be grateful of everything we'd ever had..

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