Friday, November 26, 2010

Something i should remember - Parongpong 2010

Buat kalian tercinta, kupersembahkan Running by No Doubt!!
I love you muucccchh!

Running lyric
Running all the time
Running to the future
With you right by my side

I'm the one you chose
Out of all the people
You wanted me the most
I'm so sorry that I'm falling
Help me up lets keep on running
Don't let me fall out of love

Running, running
As fast as we can
I really hope you make it
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

Be the one I need
Be the one I trust most
Don't stop inspiring me
Sometimes it's hard to keep on running
We work so much to keep it going
Don't make me want to give up

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Song of This Day : Kimi ni Aitaku Naru Kara by Nishino Kana

Today i'll dive into bittersweet hiatus..
And this will be a nice OST for my journey..

Kimi ni Aitaku Naru Kara Lyrics Translation
I look up at the falling rain and
then wanted to hear your voice
Right now, surely you're looking
at the same sky somewhere?
Messages sent to you, the photos,
everything's gone but the memories
still won't go away,
and suddenly a ring informs me:
incoming from your number...

I wanted to meet you, I was sad,
but I couldn't say anything
I just wanted to hear a bit of your voice
If you notice me acting tough,
don't be kind
because then I'll want to see you

I make no promise that we'll
see each other again someday
Don't simply nod and agree
because you'll make me cry
Holding hands, embracing
I thought such days would
certainly continue
Why are we now lost in a phone
call we can't end?

I wanted to meet you, I was sad,
but I couldn't say anything
I just wanted to hear a bit of your voice
If you notice me acting tough,
don't be kind
because then I'll want to see you

From this point forward,
I won't forget you
Our memories together will sparkle brightly now

I wanted to meet you, I was sad,
but I couldn't say anything
I just wanted to hear a bit of your voice
If you notice me acting tough,
don't be kind
I'm missing you

I wanted to meet you, I was sad,
but I didn't say anything
I want to look ahead from now on
If you notice me acting tough,
don't be kind
because then I'll want to see you

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Song of This Day : Castaway by Tamaki Nami

Castaway lyrics translation
As we meet again somewhere today, I think about fate...
about finding, and then losing
The memories just wander...

Assuming that all keys that tie us together are made of pain
Then it must be the truth wihout lies
On that day back then, on that night we spent together...

Because I was hurt by your hands
I can’t have this dream again...
I cast away the feelings in my heart
because I don’t want your love no more...
The warmth inside me
was there because of you...

Because I can longer return
I can no longer let go...
Moved aside like a returning wave
like the day how we embraced on that day...

I slowly started to understand you
and I remember when I loved you
I wasn’t afraid of anything
I was just scared of you not being there...

My small, thin arms,
were protected by your hands...
Hapiness bound us together
but I was protected by a reckless person...
Both sadness and joy
were all there because of you...

Untill we say goodbye,
is it okay to still think about you?
Untill I know it’s goodbye,
can I still search for you?

Because I was hurt by your hands
I can’t have this dream again...
I cast away the feelings in my heart
because I don’t want your love no more...

My small, thin arms,
were protected by your hands...
Hapiness bound us together
but I was protected by a reckless person...
Both sadness and joy
were all there because of you...

Symphony of RagnaRock

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Song of This Day : I Did it For Love by BoA

Tadinya sulit untuk gw percaya..
Katanya orang yang lagi jatuh cinta itu suka berbuat yang tolol bin buyan..
Tapi ternyata memang ya..?
Seperti lagu keren dari BoA ini, yang menceritakan betapa cinta bisa membodohi logika, menulikan telinga, menumpulkan syaraf dan membutakan mata..

Dan gw selalu merasa si cowo yang diperankan oleh Sean Garett ini koq kurang ajar banget yak..
Kaya plin-plan gimanaaa gitu..
Dasar siall..

I Did it For Love lyrics
I did it for love
I did it for love
I did it for love
I did it for love

No signs for me,
I saw your game but yet
and still you got me

You touched the deepest part of me
You got my heart, it's jumping
I told you all of my secrets
Didn't see betrayal

One year, two months
And now it's over
Didn't think it would fail

Loving you is causing me to change
That it hurts so bad it don't feel the same
And now my friends are asking me, 'What did I do?'
I done hurt myself, over loving you

I I I I did it did it did it for love
I I I I did it did it did it for love
I I I I did it did it did it for love
I I I I did it did it did it for love

I know I did you wrong
Please forgive me
Baby girl, I'm sorry
You know that you did me wrong
Why you crying, baby girl, I'm sorry
I know I did you wrong
Heavens knows I didn't mean to hurt nobody
You know that you did me wrong
Let me take the time to say I'm sorry

Loving you is causing me to change
And it hurts so bad it don't feel the same
And now my friends are asking me, 'What did I do?'
I done hurt myself, over loving you

I I I I did it did it did it for love..

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Something to Think

Orang yang ingin bunuh diri adalah orang yang pengecut..
Tapi, ada satu titik persimpangan hidup ini..
Yang membuat kita ingin kabur saja..
Membuat kita ingin jadi orang pengecut saja..

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Corpse Bride

Suasana hati sangat mempengaruhi hasil karya kita..
-myself 2010-

The Song of This Day : Alone in Our Castle by Olivia Lufkin

Alone in Our Castle - lyrics

so the siren went off
it chased you out of your mind
just when I started to grow a garden

How selfish of me
But I need something to build on to
You can't leave me here

Alone in our castle
alone in everything we have
I'll never see your face
the way it is in our castle

So I kidnapped your sweet sparrow
so I am dancing around on your pain

the hallways echo your longing
we both know what needs to be done
But something is holding on

Alone in our castle
alone in everything we have
I'll never feel your skin
the way I do in our castle

Love oh love
I want to believe in love
I want to believe this feeling
that I feel deeply for you
but if you can't
turn away and go
don't turn back
and I'll do the same

Alone in our castle
alone in everything we have
I'll never see your face
the way it is in our castle
Alone in our castle
alone in everything we have
I'll never feel your skin
the way I do in our castle

Something you should watch

Sepertinya saya sedang berada di kondisi hati paling lemah..
Paling melancholic..
Well, sudah lama gw mencari film ini..
[karena gw yakin pasti mati kehabisan air mata kalo baca bukunya]..
Gw sangat bahagia waktu nemu donlodannya..
Segera gw download itu movie dengan semangat 45..
Tapi gw ga pernah sanggup nontonnya...

Bahkan sekarang pun, saat di tengah-tengah aktivitas menonton, gw malah menulis blog..
Aneh, sungguh aneh..
Belom apa-apa, dada ini sudah sesak rasanya...
Movie apa sih yang gw maksud..??

Ini niih..
Kalian bisa menikmati reviewnya..
Saat gw sudah berhasil mengendalikan diri dan hati ini..

Lanjutin ga ya, nontonnya..?
Apa nonton Sydney White dulu??

Back To Nature

Entah kenapa gw sukaa banget sama yang namanya alam terbuka..
Rasanya, kalo berada di sana seperti kembali kepada fitrah manusia..
Gw juga sukaa kalo pemotretan atau shooting dilakukan di alam terbuka...
Suka sekaliii..
Gw juga harus prepare...

Pemotretan/shooting di alam terbuka itu :
1. Butuh spray antinyamuk..
2. Butuh repellan nyamuk..
3. Butuh jaket atau hoodie yang menutupi semua anggota tubuh..
4. Butuh kesabaran yang luar biasa..
5. Mesti tahan gosong..
6. Jangan lupa memanjatkan doa atau permisi, kalo mau beraktivitas di area yang kayanya angker..

candid by : Roku D*S

Thursday, November 11, 2010


i'm red..
i'm pink..
sometimes bluish..
or purple..
but it's almost black every night..

not everybody can afford it..
so, i really appreciate it..
If you do..
Hopin' you will do..

Something you should watch : Megamind 3D

Meskipun sama-sama baru sembuh dan masih batuk, "nocturnal escape" hari Selasa kemarin sangat menyenangkan..
Akhirnya berhasil membuktikan kelezatan escargot kepada partner hidup gw..
Dan akhirnya bisa nonton movie yang benar2 kocak, namun tetap bermakna dalam.
Please welcommmee!!

Movie ini bercerita tentang "permusuhan" abadi antara Megamind dan Metro Man..
[kata "permusuhan" diberi tanda petik, karena ternyata permusuhannya bukanlah permusuhan biasa. Melainkan permusuhan yang mendalam dan complicated].
Megamind dan Metro Man ditakdirkan bersaing dari bayi.
Yang botak memiliki takdir untuk berbuat jahat, sedangkan yang berjambul ditakdirkan untuk melawan kejahatan tersebut.
Begitulah, tahun demi tahun berlangsung diisi dengan keributan antara yang botak versus yang jambulan.

Sampai pada suatu hari, tanpa sengaja..
Megamind berhasil membunuh Metro Man..!!
Seluruh warga kota terkejut, sedih dan ketakutan...
Tapi ternyata...
Megamind juga merasakan hal yang sama..
Kehilangan rival seumur hidupnya, ternyata membuat Megamind sedih dan kesepian..

Di tengah kegalauan itu, Megamind menemukan ide yang rada aneh..
Dia bersama asisten pribadinya (Minion..) berjuang menciptakan formula bagi seorang pahlawan baru bagi Metro City.
Sayangnya formula pahlawan itu salah sasaran!
Secara ga sengaja formula itu malah mengenai Hal.

[Siapakah Hal itu?
Hal adalah kameramen bagi reporter terkenal di Metro City, Roxanne Ritchi..
Selain itu, Hal sukaaa setengah mampus sama Roxanne..
Tapi ya ituu.. Roxanne sudah menolaknya dengan halus..
Tapi, ternyata oh ternyata..
Si Hal sangat dendam gara-gara ditolak].

Masalahnya, si Hal ini sama sekali ga berjiwa pahlawan..
Jadilah si Megamind & Minion jumpalitan waktu melatih pahlawan baru yang bertitle "Tighten" (plesetan dari Titan-kah??) ini..
[lucunya.. mukanya si Hal/Tighten ini mengingatkan gw dengan seseorang..huhuhuh..].

Lucu banget pas adegan latihan ini..
Entah kenapa si Megamind menjelma jadi kakek2 yang mengingatkan penonton akan Jigsaw Puzzle..
Dan ngaku-ngaku sebagai "Space Dad"nya si Hal a.k.a Tighten.

Sayangnya, si Tighten ini bukannya melindungi Metro City..
Malah dia jadi lebih jahat daripada penciptanya sendiri..

Kira-kira berhasil ga ya, si Megamind menanggulangi semua kericuhan ini..??
Fiuhh! Berantakan semua rencana Megamind..

Tetapi.. Ya itu, Yang di Atas [dalam hal ini adalah penulis script] punya skenario yang lebih menarik..
Yang akhirnya menunjukkan pada semua orang bahwa :
1. Di dunia ini, apapun mungkin terjadi..
Orang yang kemarin dianggap jahat, bisa jadi hari ini menjadi pahlawan yang sangat dielu2kan..

2. Mungkin saja cewe cantik nan smart jatuh hati dengan Megamind yang botak bin biru, bukannya jatuh hati pada Metro Man yang jambulan..

3. Cintailah orang dengan jujur, karena cinta sejati itu = jatuh hati dengan "isi"nya, bukan dengan "sampulnya"..

4. Kita boleh bermimpi dan bercita-cita apapun, karena ya itu tadi..
Ga ada yang ga mungkin di dunia ini!!

Trust me!!
And trust Megamind!!

Btw, serombongan pakar komedi & animasi bekerja sama untuk membuat movie ini..
Bayangkan, ada Ben Stiller & Guillermo del Toro-nyaaa!!
Movie ini sangat detail kocaknya..
Pokonya sangat sangat ultra wajib tonton!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

In a Scene of Halloween & Hatred

I hate you and your decision..
Just fly away, Corvus..
You and your stupid notion..
Get away, my heart's ripper..

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Song of This Day : Days by Ayumi Hamasaki

Days lyric translation

Each word you casually exchange with me
Is such a precious treasure to me
But I myself feel a bit embarrassed about this
So if you knew, you would surely laugh at me

* I want to see you, I want to see you
I want to hear your voice at least
And I sometimes call you with no special reason

My heart becomes so warm
Just because you are around me
I have only one wish
Can I stay loving you forever
Just like this?

I've known for a long time that you have someone precious
Because it's clear from your smile

Though it's true I spend some nights
Feeling so sad, so sad
And feeling a tightening in my chest

** If I just think of you
My heart has the meaning to live
I expect nothing special from you
Can I stay loving you forever
Just like this?

* (repeat)

My heart becomes so warm
Just because you are around me
I have only one wish
Please let me keep on loving you

** (repeat)

[padahal gw punya laporan helminthologi, artwork dan lirik yang mengantri, tapi entah mengapa gw ingin menulis ini dulu]..

Dengan theme song di atas, gw ingin membahas mengenai hal ini..
Tentang suatu bentuk cinta, yang dikenal sebagai "amor platonicus".
Konsep ini, seperti namanya, pertama kali dibahas pada salah satu simposiumnya Plato.
Kemudian dipopulerkan oleh Marsilio Ficino di abad ke-15.

Amor platonicus alias platonic love adalah bentuk cinta yang [menurut pendapat gw] paling murni. Karena perasaan ini ga menuntut balasan dan atau tidak berkaitan dengan sexual affection.

Namun, istilah platonic love bisa juga dipakai untuk menggambarkan "secret love" atau cinta yang ga berbalas alias bertepuk sebelah tangan..
Kalau menurut gw, cinta platonis ini banyak banget contohnya..
Misalnya ; cinta kepada sahabat (sama atau lain jenis kelamin), cinta kepada idola (sama atau beda jenis kelamin), cinta kepada hewan kesayangan dan ya itu tadi.. ...
Cinta terhadap seseorang tanpa mengahrapkan dia merasakan hal yang sama.

Kedengarannya memang mengenaskan kalo kita merasakan platonic love.
Tapi, hal positifnya adalah : kita menjadi tahu bagaimana rasanya mencintai orang dengan setulus hati & tanpa pamrih.
Orang yang sudah pernah merasakan hal ini tentu sudah layak merasakan cinta sejati..
[atau mungkin platonic love itu juga salah satu cinta sejati..]

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Song of This Day : Love Game by Lady Gaga

Love Game lyrics

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you babe
It's complicated and stupid

Got my ass squeezed my sexy cupid
Guess he wants to play,
Wants to play
A love game
A love game

Hold me and love me
Just want touch you for a minute
Maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it.

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much just bust that kick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

I'm on a mission,
And it involves some heavy touchin' yeah.
You've indicated your interest,
I'm educated in sex yes.
And now I want it bad,
Want it bad.
A love game,
A love game.

Hold me and love me.
Just want to touch you for a minute.
Maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit.

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much just bust that kick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

I can see you staring there from across the block with a smile on your mouth and your hand on your huh
The story of us it always starts the same with a boy and a girl and a huh and a game!
And a game
And a game
And a game
A love game!

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Song of This Day : Malchik Gay by tATu

Malchik Gay lyrics

Malchik gay
Malchik gay, malchik gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay, malchik gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay

Handsome, Tender, Soft
Why do you look right through me
thinking "No"
I can't deny my feelings
Growing strong
I try to keep believing
dreaming on
And every time I see you
I crave more
I wanna pull you closer
closer closer closer

but you leave me feeling frozen

Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me

Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay

Malchik gay

Choking back emotion
I try to keep on hoping
for a way;
a reason for us both to
come in close
I long for you to hold me
like your boyfriend does
and though my dream is
slowly fading
I wanna be the object
of your passion

but it's hopeless

Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay

Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay

Malchik gay, malchik gay, malchik gay
Malchik, malchick

Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay

Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay