Sunday, April 11, 2010

Phantom, lyric

I am waiting all alone in my asylum..
I know something’s staring at me in the dark room..
I can see it through my broken mirror..
All I can do is close my eyes with this mirage and wonderful dreams..

Reff :
Please help me to escape..
And force my feet to run..
And away from this death..
‘Coz all I can see is just the phantom of my lonely soul..
Oh, fake the death and escape..
I can’t keep fighting alone with this broken heart..
Right now all I can do is running from the darkest side of my nightmare..

I can see it through my broken window..
All I can do is fake myself with those shadows and mistery..

The crow’s sent one message from the Death..
He forced me to ride on his black horse..
And stole my chance to breathe..

The crows sent it back to me..
Delivered with rotten black daisy and the bloody cherry..
One black message from the Death..
He force me to ride on his black horse..
Then i lost my breath away..
But i don’t wanna die..

Repeat Reff


Anonymous said...

my MOST fave lyrics of DS. :D

Pratiwi Kusumaningtyas said...

kenapa, Ay?

Anonymous said...

bikin merinding. XDDD
Udah gitu, lagunya dapet feelnya... Jadi tambah oke.

tapi mau tanya deh, asylum tempat lw tinggal itu macam apa, kok semuamuanya broken. XDDD

kiraDS said...

critanya asylumnya berarakan krn lari2 mulu dikejar malaikat maut naik kuda item.,

Pratiwi Kusumaningtyas said...

sebenernya asylum itu merupakan analogi dari kehidupan fana yang udah kita sadari tak dijalani dengan rada ga baik..


btw, silhouette dah rebes!
lirik menyusul Ay!

kiraDS said...

silhouette ky terusannya phantom (persepsi suka2nya kira) hahahha., tp pemerannya udh tewas (akhirnya.. stelah main kejar2an sm tu malaikat maut)

*digeplak hime*

hahhaha ya bukan gt sih, tp yg pasti ini lagu surasi panjang tanpa bosen.(hopefully) ;p

Anonymous said...

aduh, lama gak maen kesini... XD *loncat turun*

@Hime. Oyeeey, gw udah sempet diperdengarkan sama si Raja lagunya. Tapi belum begitu gw dengeri baek2 cuz FDnya ntah di mana. T______T Eniwei Raja udah nyampein kan komen gw?

@Kira. Wakakakakakak. XDDD Lw maen merepresentasikan *ni salah ni pasti, tapi apa ya yang benernya? Otak gw kok gak mau diajak kerjasama?? Presentasi? Bukan... Re... Pre... APA SIH PEMAKNAAN TUH? IMPRE... Apresiasi? Ya ampun tadi dah kepikir kok susah amat ngucapinnya?!* aja Ja... XD

Pratiwi Kusumaningtyas said...

hoho..ribut amat sih..
ya, ya..udah disampein ama si rok-rok.

Itu sangat mungkin terjadi..
Karena emang salahnya gw ga dateng pas lagi ngedit hasil recordingan..
Jadi yah begitu d..

Ntar dibenerin deh Ay.
Tapi sekarang lg pengen konsen ngetake lagu baru dulu..