Kalo menurut Tiara Putri Sajuthi [TPS], teman saya yang lumayan sinting, hanya ada 2 tipe cowo di muka bumi ini.
Yang pertama adalah cowo gay..
Yang selanjutnya adalah cowo bajingan..
Sebagai orang yang beruntung mendapatkan pacar berupa spesimen cowo langka, gw ga begitu percaya sama opini teman gw, si TPS itu.
Namun belakangan, si TPS mengakui bahwa partner gw ga termasuk dalam kedua kategori itu.
Dan dia mengakui bahwa partner gw adalah cowo yang langka..
Well, baru-baru ini gw menemukan seorang cowo JERK lagi di lingkungan sekitar gw..
Dan setelah diingat-ingat sebagian besar mant*n pacar gw adalah tipe cowo yang kedua.
[Belon pernah siy, jadian sama yang tipe pertama]..
Cowo JERK yang gw sebut-sebut tadi itu lumayan [ga denk, sangat] jago menutupi ke-jerk-annya.
Dia memakai kedok cowo shaleh bin alim.
Tapi ternyataaa...
Setelah nyaris 1 tahun bergaul dengan dia, gw baru menyadari bahwa dia itu J.E.R.K bangget.
Mulai kemarin, kami menyebutnya si Jeruk..
Plesetan dari J.E.R.K.
Plesetan dari J.E.R.K.
Dan, wahai si Jeruk..
Ini adalah lagu yang pas sekali buat Anda..
Run Devil Run (English Translation)
Do it right. You're really a bad boy, only having curiosity rather than love.
Because of you, I've been fooled the entire time.
You're no fun, you have no manners. You're a devil, devil you are.
So many men that are in your phone are girls with only one letter changed.
The perfume smell that's sickening to my nose, tell me whose it is.
You didn't fix that terrible habit of seeing people behind my back?
No matter how much you run, you're still in my hands.
You better run run run run run
I can't see this anymore, so I'm going to reject him.
You better run run run run run
Even if he hangs on to me, I'll just ignore Hey
On the day that I become a great person, I'll get my revenge.
Don't forget.
Don't forget.
You better run run run run run
You got caught, you teased me.
Run devil devil run run
Even when you're by my side, you always look at other girls.
When I'm not there, you're a super playboy.
Lift your head up and answer me.
You're no fun, you have no manners.
You're a devil, devil you are.
There is no one like me.
I'm disappointed that you tried to trick me.
I'm much better than all of them.
What are you going to be if you keep acting like that?
(I told you not to fool around) I told you to do well while I loved you.
You better run run run run run
You better run run run run run
I can't stand seeing you anymore. I'll kick you away.
You better run run run run run
You better run run run run run
Even if you grab a hold of me, I'll ignore you Hey
I'll get my revenge when I become a greater person, don't you forget it
You better run run run run run
You better run run run run run
Half of the world are men, it makes no difference if you're gone.
I'm going to wait by myself for a guy who will only look at me...
siapkah jeruk nipis tersebut? :D
hhmmm...kasih tau ga yaa????
Bukan kamu pastinya..
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