Friday, October 23, 2015

The Place Where Fairies Dance


Selalu ada detail-detail menakjubkan di pekarangan Roemah Kayoe.
Misalnya, makhluk-makhluk mungil ini..

Diduga spesies laba-laba rumput (common grass spider) yang sedang membawa egg sac

Spesies laba-laba kepiting (flower-crab spider)

Untuk kesempatan selanjutnya, gw berharap bisa memotret menggunakan tripod dan terbebas dari keusilan tangan-tangan mungil si little demon..

Friday, September 25, 2015


"Like the lily that once was mistress of the field and flourished, I'll hang my head and perish.."
-W. Shakespeare-

Pelesir ke Roemah Kayoe, Sentul, biasanya diiringi oleh-oleh foto tanaman.
Kali ini korban fotonya adalah beberapa tangkai bakung alias Lilium sp. yang tetap berbunga meski sedang musim kering. Luar biasa semangatnya!

Beberapa fakta tentang bakung, yakni sebagai berikut.
1. Saya juga baru tahu, ternyata memakan bunga lili berakibat fatal bagi keluarga kucing. Toksinnya terutama bekerja merusak ginjal si kucing.
2. Lili yang beraroma wangi biasanya yang berwarna putih. Pengecualian pada varian tiger lily yang bercorak loreng, namun juga beraroma sedap..

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Amigurumi by Kucrochet

Teddy bear amigurumi for IDR 165K.
Foto istimewa, karena lokasi yang menjadi background sudah tiada keesokan harinya..

Heyhow, Lads!
On this blog post, we will discuss one of the most popular types of handicrafts.
Well, i frustratingly hope to have a little ability to work in that kind of handicraft.
Unfortunately, that talent only appears on my big sister.

She began knitting at the age of junior high school, around 2000.
Finally, she opened an online store that sells a variety of knitted material and finished products.
Such as doillies, dresses, hats, even bikini tops.

You can check out the store HERE.
There she also provides a pile of tips, tricks, & tutorials about the amazing world of crochet.
Here one of her tutorial..


In recent months, her main focus is producing amigurumi(s).
Amigurumi? What is that thing?
Guess which one is amigurumi~

Bunny amigurumi for IDR 180 K
Owl-shaped amigurumi for IDR 65K

Lamb amigurumi for IDR 100K

Tuesday, May 26, 2015